Return Policy

Any claims for defective/misprinted/damaged items must be submitted within four weeks after the product has been acquired. For packages lost in transit, every claim must be submitted no later than four weeks after the expected date of delivery. Claims deemed an error on our part are covered at our expense.

If you find something wrong with the products or anything else on the order, please submit a problem report through the Contact page.

By default, the return address is set to the Kcutestyle facility. When we obtain a returned shipment, an automated email notification will be directed to you. After four weeks, unclaimed returns get donated to charity. If Kcutestyle's facility isn't used as the return address, you would become liable for any returned shipments you obtain.

  • Wrong Address: If you provide an address that is perceived as inadequate by the courier, the shipment will be returned to our facility. You will be liable for the costs of reshipment once we have confirmed an updated address with you.

  • Unclaimed:  Shipments that go unclaimed are returned to our facility, and you will be liable for the cost of a reshipment to yourself.

  • Returned by Customer: We do not issue refunds for buyer’s remorse and exchanges for sizes are to be offered at your discretion and expense. At your expense, a new order would need to be placed for an updated size.

This Policy shall be interpreted and governed in accordance with the English language, irrespective of any translations made for any purpose whatsoever.